List of all Speechly CLI commands and their usage.
Create SAL annotations for a list of examples using Speechly.
speechly annotate [<input file>] [<app id>] [flags]
speechly annotate -a <app_id> --input input.txt
speechly annotate -a <app_id> --input input.txt > output.txt
speechly annotate -a <app_id> --reference-date 2021-01-20 --input input.txt > output.txt
To evaluate already deployed Speechly app, you need a set of evaluation examples that users of your application might say.
-a, --app string App ID of the application to evaluate. Can alternatively be given as the first positional argument.
-d, --de-annotate Instead of adding annotation, remove annotations from output.
-e, --evaluate Print evaluation stats instead of the annotated output.
-h, --help help for annotate
-i, --input string Evaluation utterances, separated by newline, if not provided, read from stdin. Can alternatively be given as the first positional argument.
-o, --output string Where to store annotated utterances, if not provided, print to stdout.
-r, --reference-date string Reference date in YYYY-MM-DD format, if not provided use current date.
Converts an Alexa Interaction Model in JSON format to a Speechly configuration
speechly convert [-l language] <input_file> [flags]
speechly convert my-alexa-skill.json
speechly convert -l en-US my-alexa-skill.json
-h, --help help for convert
-l, --language string Language of input (default "en-US")
Create a new application in the current project
speechly create [<application name>] [flags]
-h, --help help for create
-l, --language string Application language. Current only 'en-US' and 'fi-FI' are supported. (default "en-US")
-n, --name string Application name, can alternatively be given as the sole positional argument.
Delete an existing application
speechly delete [<app_id>] [flags]
-a, --app string Application ID to delete. Can alternatively be given as the sole positional argument.
-d, --dry-run Don't perform the deletion.
-f, --force Skip confirmation prompt.
-h, --help help for delete
Send the contents of a local directory to training
The contents of the directory given as argument is sent to the API and validated. Then, a new model is trained and automatically deployed as the active model for the application.
speechly deploy [<app_id>] <directory> [flags]
speechly deploy <app_id> /path/to/config
speechly deploy -a <app_id> .
-a, --app string Application to deploy the files to. Can be given as the first positional argument.
-h, --help help for deploy
--skip-validation Skip the validation step. If there are validation issues, they will not be shown, the deploy will fail silently.
-w, --watch Wait for training to be finished.
Print details about an application
speechly describe [<app_id>] [flags]
-a, --app string Application ID to describe. Can alternatively be given as the sole positional argument.
-h, --help help for describe
-w, --watch If app status is training, wait until it is finished.
Download the active configuration or model bundle of the given app.
Fetches the currently stored configuration or model bundle. This command does not check for validity of the stored configuration, but downloads the latest version.
speechly download [<app_id>] <directory> [flags]
speechly download <app_id> /path/to/config
speechly download -a <app_id> .
speechly download -a <app_id> . --model tflite
-a, --app string Application which configuration or model bundle to download. Can be given as the first positional argument.
-h, --help help for download
-m, --model string Model bundle machine learning framework. Available options are: ort, tflite, coreml and all. This feature is available on Enterprise plans (
Edit an existing application
speechly edit [flags]
-a, --app string Application ID
-h, --help help for edit
-n, --name string Application name
Compute accuracy between annotated examples (given by ‘speechly annotate’) and ground truth.
speechly evaluate [<app_id>] [<input_file>] [flags]
speechly evaluate --input output.txt --ground-truth ground-truth.txt
-t, --ground-truth string Manually verified ground-truths for annotated examples.
-h, --help help for evaluate
-i, --input string SAL annotated utterances, as given by 'speechly annotate' command.
List applications in the current project
speechly list [flags]
-h, --help help for list
Manage API access to Speechly projects
speechly projects [flags]
-h, --help help for projects
projects add
Add access to a pre-existing project
speechly projects add [apikey] [flags]
--apikey string API token, created in Speechly Dashboard. Can also be given as the sole positional argument.
-h, --help help for add
--host string API address (default "")
--name string An unique name for the project. If not given the project name configured in Speechly Dashboard will be used.
--skip-online-validation Skips validating the API token against the host.
projects remove
Remove access to a project
speechly projects remove [flags]
-h, --help help for remove
--name string The name for the project for which access is to be removed.
projects use
Select the default project used
speechly projects use [flags]
-h, --help help for use
--name string An unique name for the project.
Sample a set of examples from the given SAL configuration
The contents of the directory given as argument is sent to the API and compiled. If configuration is valid, a set of examples are printed to stdout.
speechly sample [<app_id>] <directory> [flags]
speechly sample -a <app_id> .
speechly sample -a <app_id> /path/to/config
speechly sample <app_id> /path/to/config --stats
-a, --app string Application to sample the files from. Can alternatively be given as the first positional argument.
--batch-size int How many examples to return. Must be between 32 and 10000. (default 100)
--seed int Random seed to use when initializing the sampler.
--stats Print intent and entity distributions to the output.
--advanced-stats Print entity type, value and value pair distributions to the output.
--advanced-stats-limit int Line limit for advanced_stats. The lines are ordered by count. (default 10)
-h, --help help for sample
Get utterance statistics for the current project or an application in it
speechly stats [<app_id>] [flags]
speechly stats [<app_id>]
speechly stats -a APP_ID
speechly stats > output.csv
speechly stats --start-date 2021-03-01 --end-date 2021-04-01
-a, --app string Application to get the statistics for. Can alternatively be given as the sole positional argument.
--end-date string End date for statistics, not included in results.
--export Print report as CSV
-h, --help help for stats
--start-date string Start date for statistics.
Transcribe the given jsonlines file
speechly transcribe <input_file> [flags]
speechly transcribe <input_file>
-h, --help help for transcribe
-m, --model string On-device model bundle file
Get a sample of recent utterances.
Fetches a sample of recent utterances and their SAL-annotated transcript.
speechly utterances <app_id> [flags]
-h, --help help for utterances
Validate the given configuration for syntax errors
The contents of the directory given as argument is sent to the API and validated. Possible errors are printed to stdout.
speechly validate [<app_id>] <directory> [flags]
speechly validate -a <app_id> .
speechly validate <app_id> /path/to/config
-a, --app string Application to validate the files for. Can alternatively be given as the first positional argument.
-h, --help help for validate
Print the version number
speechly version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
Last updated by Mathias Lindholm on October 4, 2022 at 16:47 +0300
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